Mountain House food Taste Test

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Today we are testing out another flavor or meal brought to you by mountain house foods. This particular one is the beef stew. We have tried many of these meals and all of them have been very good, they are simple to prepare all you need is water and a way to heat that water up. From start to finish you’re only talking approximately 10 minutes or so before you are sitting down to enjoy a nice hot meal. These meals are excellent for backpackers, RVers or somebody just traveling in a vehicle that wants to make a roadside stop and have a quick meal that they can bring with them.

Another great use for these meals is emergency preparedness, you may or may not subscribe to a lot of the things people claim a may or may not happen however it never hurts to be prepared. One thing is for sure we do have natural and weather-related disasters all the time where people are left in a situation it is more difficult to get or prepare meals and this is a fantastic way to help alleviate that situation for you and your family. Heaven mount house foods stored in your cabinet could mean the difference between going hungry or having a halfway decent meal until some sort of normal is restored.

These meals are easy to prepare as I said earlier just heat the water up poor in the pouch and zip it closed weight approximately four minutes open the pouch and stir the contents to make sure you have even distribution of the water and meal mix then reseal it for an additional four minutes. Times may vary by meals but in general this is the process once sure time is up you can open the packet and eat directly from the pouch or do as I did and pour into a couple of bowls to enjoy.

The bottom line is I highly recommend mountain house foods for camping traveling hiking backpacking tenting or just to have some emergency meals at home in case of a disaster.

Another way you can be prepared is to pick up my free e-book and pretrip checklist you can make sure you and your rig are ready to hit the road if you plan on going camping.

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